Notice of Closure

This is a notice of an impending closure.  Make sure you check the WDFW website for final closure information. ACTION NOTICE #1 of 2- Recreational Ocean Salmon: NOAA Fisheries in consultation with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, representatives from the recreational and the commercial ocean troll salmon fisheries, and the Pacific…

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Columbia River Springers Open Again

JOINT STATE ACTION NOTICE Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife May 23, 2018 THE FOLLOWING WAS SET: 2018 Mainstem Columbia River Spring Chinook Recreational Fisheries Downstream of Bonneville Dam Season: Friday May 25 through Wednesday June 6 13 retention days Area: Tongue Point/Rocky Point line upstream to Beacon Rock (boat and bank) plus bank angling only from Beacon Rock…

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Action Alert HB 6317

The following a letter to Washington Legislator, Dave Hayes.  This is in response to Republican Members of the Appropriations Committee who voted down this fix to the guide license fees (HB6317).  We only have a couple days to get these folks on board.   Rep. Dave Hayes, I am emailing you asking to for vote yes HB 6317.  At…

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NWGAA Letter Regarding David Bernhardt June 5, 2017

June 5, 2017 The Honorable Lisa Murkowski U.S. Senate SH-522 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 The Honorable Maria Cantwell U.S. Senate SH-511 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Chairman Murkowski and Ranking Member Cantwell, As an organization representing thousands of recreational fishermen and businesses that support this activity, we write with deep concerns about the…

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WDFW Survey

Many of us have received phone calls or a voicemail from WDFW (3rd party company) with a survey about HB1597 and other issues we are currently dealing with. I urge you all to ignore the phone call and take the online survey instead. This is the BEST way to ensure your thoughts are recorded correctly. The link is…

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