This is a notice of an impending closure. Make sure you check the WDFW website for final closure information.
ACTION NOTICE #1 of 2- Recreational Ocean Salmon: NOAA Fisheries in consultation with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, representatives from the recreational and the commercial ocean troll salmon fisheries, and the Pacific Fishery Management Council, has taken in-season action with respect to the recreational salmon fishery in the area from Leadbetter Point to Cape Falcon.
Within the Columbia River Ocean Salmon Management Area (Leadbetter Point, Washington to Cape Falcon, Oregon), recreational ocean salmon fishing closes effective 11:59 PM on Sunday, August 12, 2018.
Transfer of 2,400 Coho from the commercial troll salmon fishery to the recreational fishery in the Columbia River Area in exchange for remaining Chinook from the quota being transferred to the commercial troll fishery.
Transfer of 600 Coho from the recreational ocean fishery in the Westport Area.
RATIONALE AND NOTES: The marked Coho Salmon quota in this area is expected to be met by the end of the day on Sunday, August 12 th. Through Sunday, August 5 th an estimated 14,086 Coho Salmon had been landed out of the quota of 21,000 Coho leaving only 6,914 Coho available for harvest. The most recent week of fishing had total landings of 7,639 Coho or 36% of the quota in one week. Effort and catches have been accelerating in the area, and the added transfers from the commercial troll and Westport recreational fisheries are expected to keep the fishery from exceeding the quota prior to the scheduled close. Any coho that may remain from the Columbia River Ocean Area quota will be transferred back to the Westport area recreational and to the commercial troll coho quotas on the same rate that they were provided to the Columbia River Area recreational fishery.